My Learnings on Crystals & Crystal Energy

Is My Crystal Fake?

How do you Identify Crystals Correctly? If you have just started out in your crystal journey, you may be overwhelmed and confused over all the contradicting information you see online....

How to Cleanse (Purify) & Charge Crystals

There are so many different methods to "cleansing" a crystal. Do crystals actually need cleansing? If so, what is the best method? Also do crystals need "charging"? I explain it...

How to Feel Crystal Energies

How do you feel energies from crystals? Do you need to be psychic? (The answer is NO). I will teach you how you too can feel crystal energies here!

How to Use Crystals

So you've bought a crystal, now what? How are you meant to use crystals and how is one meant to establish a "connection" with them? I explain it all here!

How Does Crystal Healing Work?

How do crystals heal and help us ascend spiritually? What "powers" do crystals possess?