Rare Crystals NZ & Australia
Crystal Meditation NZ specialises in rare crystals & minerals that are difficult to source. Crystals are rare due to their overall availability, the specific location, and their aesthetics. Properties such as colour, clarity, and shape all matter!
Rare healing crystals are sought after and can be very expensive. The difficulty I faced sourcing true rare crystals motivated me to start this store. Too many times I was disappointed to receive another mis-labelled stone.
I don't want you to face the same disappointment. We do all the research for you so you can trust you're buying legitimate crystals. I have learnt to critically evaluate information using trustworthy sources. My suppliers for the rarer minerals are from Canada, USA, and even Istanbul Turkey, with decades of experience. As a scientist by trade, I also perform basic testing myself with microscopes, light filters, and chemicals.
Crystal Shop for the Rare & Unique
I started this crystal shop in NZ because I could never find the rare crystals I wanted!
International shipping to Australia, USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Thailand are available and other countries upon request.