Astrophyllite is one of those minerals that is frequently mislabeled in today’s crystal market. Genuine astrophyllite is quite rare and difficult to find. It features a metallic, foil-like sheen with a brassy brown color and is typically found in a white nepheline matrix, often accompanied by black aegirine crystals.
What is commonly sold as “astrophyllite” on the market, while still visually stunning, is a different material altogether. This black crystal often displays bluish-green, brushstroke-like inclusions and is usually found alongside red garnet and colorless (white) cordierite. These blue-green inclusions are actually anthophyllite, a relatively rare mineral more closely related to the inclusions that characterize nuummite (another rare stone). Another huge misconception is that the red mineral is Eudialyte, which is incorrect, it is none other than garnet.
It’s unclear how this material came to be confused with astrophyllite, as their appearances and compositions are distinctly different. Astrophyllite is the rarer and much sought after kind. I hope this clarifies the distinction and helps you better identify genuine crystals!